Maida Vale

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Lofts Conversion
For residents in Maida Vale W9 looking for the right team to help them out convert their lofts, London Lofts and Basements will be happy to assist you.  You have the option to turn your loft into an entirely new room and serve a completely different function.  It can be a guest room, a study or work room or even an entertainment room.  Or we can just make minor changes to accommodate additional functions you want to add for your loft.

Basement Conversions
Do you have a basement in your home that you find very little use of?  Instead of turning them into cold, damp, dark and useless spaces, make the most out of them with our help.  You will be surprised that these basements can actually become new living spaces in your home that you, your family and even guests will enjoy.  We have available designs and layouts you can look at that will give you tons of ideas on how to plan your basement conversion.  We can also discuss these options with you if you would like a free consultation.

Homeowners in Maida Vale W9 who want a more relaxed and spacious home can now have a better alternative other than moving to a new home.  With London Lofts and Basements we can help you extend room spaces for your own needs.  Since your home has its own structure, we will carefully plan these extensions so that it will integrate with what you have now.  Our team has the most experienced people to do this kind of job for you.

Loft Conversions Wandsworth

Wanting a new and refreshing bathroom style for a long time now?  Afraid that your budget may not be enough?  Worry not, because we have affordable bathroom conversion designs for you. If the plumbing system or your bathroom fixtures no longer work a 100% or maybe if the tile and wall surface no longer shines, give it the kind of upgrade it deserves after years of frequently using it.

Kitchen is an important section of your home.  Renovating it can give it more functions and features you may want to add.  You can have a cozy nook in the corner or connect your kitchen with your dining room for easy access.  No matter if you are planning to have the set up changed or maybe just want to make it look clean and new, we have a dedicated team that can help you with your needs.

Full House Refurbishments
When a minor modification on how your home looks like is not enough, we have a team of skilled people who can do a wide variety of changes.  Full house refurbishments are ideal for those who want a whole new house layout or who are planning to up their home value.  London Lofts and Basements in Maida Vale W9 provide surveys, consultations and in-depth discussion with you to make the planning flawless every step of the way.  So for those who want a major home development and want to do it with the best then contact us.

Basement Conversion Clapham
Bathroom Design Hampstead

Call us now for a free consultation at 020 7993 5798 or you can fill out the contact form on the right.